We Take Electronic Integration to the Next Level

With decades of experience, we combine specialized expertise in intelligent electronic integration with advanced technical capability in assembling electronic boards, electrical harnesses, and box builds. As one of Brazil’s largest manufacturers, we have solid know-how across all manufacturing processes—from design for manufacturing to product lifecycle management.

Our Mission

To deliver electronic solutions tailored to each customer’s unique needs, while respecting the people involved in the process and the environment.

Industrial Plant

Factory intelligence. Our plant and factory integration streamlines your product deployment and delivery times.

With an industrial facility fully adapted to Industry 4.0, we leverage advanced digitalization and are transitioning towards an autonomous factory. Equipped with sensorized machines and fully digital management, we ensure reduced lead times, high productivity, and exceptional quality and reliability in the production of electronic boards, electrical wiring harnesses, and box builds.

Strategically located in Pato Branco (PR), a regional hub for higher education in technology and electronics, the Hi-Mix factory is at the heart of innovation and expertise.

With state-of-the-art facilities and production lines, the factory boasts a capacity of 1 million components per hour, including BGA, FINE PITCH, QFN, DSP, 0402, 0201, 01005, and 008004 MELF , among others. The factory covers a total area of 47,000 m², with 14,000 m² of built-up area.


We utilize both surface-mount technology (SMT) and through-hole technology (THT), alongside the development of comprehensive functional tests.

On the SMT assembly line, Hi-Mix offers cutting-edge technology, including insertion machines capable of assembling components such as Fine Pitch, BGA, Micro BGA, Micro QFP, and 01005, as well as 008004 components. Additionally, our reflow ovens ensure precise soldering of even the most complex components, including lead-free options.

SMT lines

THT lines

Electrical Wiring Harnesses Line

Box Build Line

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