A national EMS company meeting the strictest global standards

Management System

Hi-Mix’s management ensures that the company’s Quality and Environmental Policy aligns with its commitment to meeting the requirements for continuous improvement and enhancing the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. This provides the entire structure for critical analysis of quality objectives.

The Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy is communicated, understood, and critically analyzed to maintain relevance within the Management System.

The company relies on the participation of all employees in executing the quality process. They have access to continuous training and clear and dynamic management and are engaged in the Lean philosophy, which enhances process effectiveness and efficiency, making them more robust.

By following these procedures, Hi-Mix is committed to transparency in the information shared with its employees, customers, and suppliers.

Commitment to Quality

Hi-Mix has distinct departments for Quality, Product, Process, and Test Engineering, each contributing through management policies to deliver products such as electronic board assembly, custom electrical cable and harness production, and box build, with maximum efficiency and quality assurance. These efforts are grounded in the following Control principles:

Integrated Quality and Environment Policy

Our commitment is to provide electronic solutions with a focus on:

Rev. 02

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